Tuesday, February 27, 2024 by Ethan Huff
A landmark legal case against artificial water fluoridation in the United States is moving forward with mostly flying colors as the illustrious Michael Connett of Waters Kraus and Paul is asking the court system: Does fluoridation present an unreasonable risk of neurodevelopmental effects?
If successful, the case, said to be airtight and “near impossible to argue against,” to quote the advocacy group Fluoride Alert, will force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take action to address the risk, as required by law. It has the potential to end artificial water fluoridation all across America.
(Related: America’s corrupt justice system is desperately trying to stop the case from being a success.)
Simply put, fluoridation chemicals are drugs, which means Americans are entitled under the law to informed consent. This means that public water systems would no longer be allowed to automatically fluoridate everyone’s water without each household’s express permission.
Every American household that currently receives fluoridated water would have to be informed of the risks involved with consuming the drug, which has been linked to decreased IQ in children, neurodevelopmental damage and other health problems.
“Fluoridating the water supply is a de facto medication, administered with the alleged goal of promoting dental health,” Fluoride Alert says. “The government does not solicit informed consent from the patient (the public) prior to dumping fluoride into the water supply.”
“The government is in violation of informed consent.”
We know from copious scientific research that the chemical fluoride drugs added to public water supplies across the United States accumulate in regions of the brain responsible for memory and learning. This is especially problematic in young, developing children, but is also toxic to adults.
The current maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) for fluoride is 4 mg/L, a level that is not at all protective against the drug’s adverse effects on the brain. Of the 18 published studies that provide water fluoride concentrations, 13 of them found deficits at levels below the MCLG, the average elevated level being just 2.3 mg/L, and the lowest being a mere 0.8 mg/L.
What this means is most Americans who live in fluoridated cities, towns and communities are drinking far more fluoride than what established science says is at the lower end of what causes brain damage in babies, infants, children and adults.
“Exposure to fluoride is associated with reduced intelligence in children,” warns The Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. “We have found a significant inverse relationship between intelligence and the water fluoride level, and intelligence and the urinary fluoride level.”
If Washington was really in the business of protecting the public interest, it would immediately and voluntarily remove all fluoride drugs from public water supplies. Instead, the establishment is fighting tooth and nail to keep fluoride flowing through people’s taps.
“The question must be asked: what interest would the government have in lowering the IQ of the public it oversees?” asks independent journalist Ben Bartee. “How would a lobotomized public serve its interests, in this, Our Sacred Democracy™?”
“Is the benefit merely limited to generating more MSNBC viewers?” Bartee further jokes.
It is important to note further that water fluoridation is not currently supported with a Medical Product’s License, despite continued establishment claims that the drug is perfectly safe and effective for Americans to consume from the tap, shower with, water their lawns with and bathe their babies in.
“When derived from air pollution scrubbers, the fluoride is also not purified to pharmaceutical standards,” one of Bartee’s Substack readers also noted. “So it still contains other neurotoxins as well as heavy metals such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead and mercury.”
Drinking fluoride chemicals is dangerous. Learn more at Fluoride.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: badpollution, big government, brain damaged, brain function, brain health, clean water, Flouride Action Network, fluoridation, Fluoride, goodhealth, goodmedicine, health science, lawsuit, Michael Connett, poisons, progress, resist, revolt, toxic chemicals, toxins, uprising, water supply, Water Wars, Waters Kraus and Paul
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